
Web Pioneer, Inventor & Startups Mentor

Eran Ben-Shahar

I'm a startup adviser and fractional CTO / CPO helping SaaS startups to grow and scale internationally with outside of the box thinking and hands-on skills

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Things I can help with

I'm a hands-on tech guy with abiility to advise and manage things strategically and make it happen in the technological level:

Strategic Consulting

Strategic planning and consulting for CXO roles (CEO, CTO, CMO, CPO), my startup exit experience can fast-track and save years of trial and error

Product market fit

Focus on deeply understanding customer needs to tailor your product's features, ensuring it becomes indispensable to your target market


Plan and build scalable and flexible architecture to accommodate future growth and technological advancements, ensuring our system's resilience and low-cost


Design AI/ML to innovate and automate, transforming data into actionable insights and competitive advantages for your product or service

Investors Pitching

Communicate your tech-driven value proposition clearly, showcasing your product's potential for market disruption and growth to attract investors

Business Partnerships

Use my international network for strategic partnerships that amplify our product's reach and capabilities, leveraging collaborative strengths for company success

About Me

I love the web and always busy in creating and inventing new things, I'm playing with computers since I was 12 years old and never stopped since then

Israeli National Radio Interview (50min, Hebrew, 2005)

Haaretz Daily Interview (two pages, Hebrew, 2007)

Hi There! I'm Eran

When I was 14 years old our father bought us vic-20, my first computer. My brother Ohad (which today is a Yale Graduate computer science professor) and myself were developing games and apps, later on in 1993 I started to play with the internet and startups. In 1996 - before Google - I developed the first multi-language search engine (English, Hebrew, Russian and Arabic) which was purchased (in 1999) by Netvision Ltd. In 1998 I got a phone call from an Israeli radio station which asserted that "running a web magazine with content on the web must be a fraud" - in those times, publishing news on the web seemed to be strange if you were not a news firm! I sold that magazine later on as well.
Between 2002 and 2003 I authored my three books - Barely-Bear Makes Money, "42 Business Pocket Guide" and "The Water Riddle", in 2006 I moved to New Zealand and did 2 years as a senior business analyst for New Zealand Parliament. Since then I initiated a couple of startups as listed in my portfoilo page, and mentored many others especially in the technology and AI space.

My first website launched in
Global # of developers in 1993
Global # of websites in 1993
Web users in 1993 (estimate)

Career Milestones

My first computer program

I was just 12 years old attending a Technion course for PL1 - it took me a year to write this simple code that averaged two input numbers

Writing for "Peoples Computers" magazine

I was just 14 years old when I got paid to author technical magazine articles for what used to be the top popular Israeli computers magazine.



Found a deep security hole in IDF's network

In 1991 I got a recognition letter from the IDF's head of intelligence (this is the top intelligence office in IDF, responsible on 8200 and all IDF intelligence activity) for finding a deep security vulnerability in their systems

My first website, for Xmosaic

I built the first HTML website ss a young Unix sys-admin for the physics department at the Technion, it was ugly and rough but it was on the World Wide Web!



My first startup: "Pagaz"

Pagaz ("rocket" in Hebrew) was the first multi-language search engine globally, later on in 1999 sold to Netvision Ltd which rebranded it as NANA.

The largest Israeli internet project ever

I invented the "Strauss-MSN" project and was an executive board member of that ambitious campaign which engaged each and every Israeli citizen



My book Barely Bear Makes Money turned into a bestseller

In 2004 I sold my internet development company Yodfat Communication and authored three books: "42", "The Water Riddle" and Barely-Bear Makes Money which turned into a bestsller by the unique marketing scheme that I invented.

Senior Business Analyst for New Zealand Parliament

I finished two years of service as a senior business analyst for the New Zealand Parliament and appeared in the book "100 years of Parliment History"



4,500,000 daily exposures for Palrobot

As my social media experiments gained huge success, Facebook shut down PalRobot as part of their API rules changes, this incident changed my strategy, I no more rely on 3rd party services like Facebook and Google

CTO for ACTA, Sydney Australia

My first Sydne based CTO role was in 2018 for ACTA, an events booking system SaaS and App that attracted the attention of VIPs in the industry (exited)



Founded Facenition - face recognition API

In August 2019 while in a startups mentoring trip to Israel and Russia, I founded Facenition - smart analytics for retail powered by face recognition and AI

CTO for BRR and Loghic, Sydney Australia

Boardroom Media (purchased by Loghic) is a Sydney based revenue earning startup that managing business webcasting SaaS for more than 200 ASX clients



Startup Adviser, Helsinki University (Finland)

In 2023 I decided to extend my experience with Helsinki University - "Compass" incubators where I mentored more than 15 deeptech and AI startups

Fractional CTO, Sydney Australia

Back to Sydney, I'm currently looking to work with additional startups as a tech adviser or CTO founder


My Interests

The following interests can help us focus in our discussions, if you contact me please note that I usually don't have a lot of time to things outside of this list

Strategic Consulting

Strategic planning and consulting, to the levels of CXO (CEO, CTO, CMO) for small to medium innovative / technology companies

Fractional CTO / CPO

I'm interested in contracting and virtual/remote CTO roles for medium to large technological projects in the web/apps space

Startup Mentoring

I get excited with new ideas that involve high-end technological web/apps/SaaS startups that has got strong teams and focus

Web Projects

As director of iBronto Digital, I'm interested in medium to large ($20k+) challenging web/apps development projects


I love meeting new open-minded people, we can start to speak online and as I travel a lot, we can later on meet for coffee


My cup of tea is collaboration and partnerships, I appreciate people that want to collaborate and ready to trade mutual help

Have any project on mind?

My clients and partners are usually founders of a funded startup, that ave some kind of MVP or Alpha product, and are open minded to make radical improvemnts to what and how you do

Portfolio - fractional CTO

Facenition, New Zealand
Director, $500k investment, $5M value

Facenition, New Zealand

Smart Retail Analytics Powered by AI and Face Recognition

Boardroom Media, Australia
Chief Technical Adviser, $30M value

Boardroom Media, Australia

Market Investors Social Media Platform

Lifecovered, New Zealand
Technical Adviser, $500K value

Lifecovered, New Zealand

Insurance calculator & API.

iBronto Australia, $4M value
Fractional CTO

iBronto Australia

IT Science Dev Shop

ACTA App, Australia
Chief Technical Officer, $400K Project

ACTA App, Australia

Block chain event booking system

Feel & Play, Finland
Fractional CTO, €600K grant

Feel & Play, Finland

Emotional Skills AI app

Portfolio - strategic consultancy

New Zealand Parliament
Senior Business Analyst, $10M Projects

New Zealand Parliament

Web strategy and project management

Nana, Israel
Startup Exit, $2M

Nana, Israel

Multi language search engine

Meridian Energy, New Zealand
Chief Business Analyst, $1M Project

Meridian Energy, New Zealand

Online products strategy and design

Unilever, EU and Israel
Chief Technical Adviser, $500K value

Unilever, EU and Israel

Web strategy & digital marketing presence

Transpower, New Zealand
Technical Adviser, $2M value

Transpower, New Zealand

Spot prices live KPIs

NZ Transport Agency
Senior Application Specialist (7 years)

New Zealand Transport Agency

Architecture and Applications

Portfolio - Startup Mentoring

Helsinki University
Tech Advisor at Compass Deep Tech, AI & Sustainability

Helsinki University Incubators

Tech Advisor at Compass Deep Tech, AI & Sustainability

Craaving, Sydney
Tech Advisor

Craaving - delivering food your way

Tech Advisor & board member

ShopMetrik, Sydney

ShopMetrik, Sydney


Which-50, Australia
Technical Adviser, $1M value

Which-50, Australia

Investors & Market Insights Platform

Our Options Together

If you contact our group for investment options, please refer to the following table of how we asses investment options with startups:

Early Stage Startup

  • Idea to MVP: Weekly meetings, hands-on approach with ideas and task execution.        

Fractional CTO

  • Preseed to seed: Provide hands-on CTO executon skills without full time committement yet.

From The Blog

My complete blog is at

Get In Touch


11 York St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia





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